Latest News From Jim Linn

dairy cows
Active Cows Need More Energy

Management and the environment allow the cows to express their full milk production potential.

Nutrition: Maximize Milk Protein Yield

To maximize production of protein and fat, balance lactation diets for lysine and methionine.

Que este invierno las becerras sigan creciendo

For every 1° drop in temperature below 50° F, a calf requires 1 percent more energy.

Nutrition: Keep Calves Growing this Winter

For every 1° drop in temperature below 50° F, a calf requires 1 percent more energy.

Nutrition: New Forage Challenges

Non-traditional forages will be finding their way into summer and fall feeding programs. Here’s help in managing them.

Potasio: Demasiado o muy poco?

El potasio(K)es un catión, o mineral cargado positivamente, requerido para desarrollar muchas funciones fisiológicas (balance ácido-base, balance osmótico, contracción muscular, metabolismo de carbohidratos y proteínas).

Nutrition: Potassium, Too much or too little?

Until recently, no one suspected potassium deficiency in lactating cows except maybe during periods of heat stress

Nutrition: Make Good Feed Choices

Current national average feed cost is $13/cwt of milk.

Nutrition: Risky Business

Feed cost is reduced $165 per day by feeding three different rations instead of one ration to all cows.

Negocio riesgoso

En una granja lechera todos los días hay que tomar múltiples decisiones respecto a lo que comerán las vacas, cuanto comerán, cuales vacas comerán determinado alimento y como se les va a mezclar y presentar el alimento a las mismas.

Revisando el FDN del forraje

En las dietas para vascas lecheras, el forraje provee fibra detergente neutro (FDN)tanto estructural como químico. El FDN estructural es importante para la rumia y para mantener al rumen saludable, mientras que la digestibilidad del FDN químicoproveeenergía para la producción de leche y grasa de la leche.

Nutrition: Revisiting Forage NDF

Forages provide both structural and chemical neutral detergent fiber in dairy cow diets.

In vitro NDF digestibility

In vitro NDF digestibility of forage is positively correlated with DM intake.

Nutrition: Don't Cut Trace Minerals

Many factors contribute to rising feed costs: diet formulation, feed wastage, ingredient selection and purchasing. One frequently mentioned cost-cutting measure, because it is a direct cash cost, is to eliminate minerals and particularly trace mineral supplementation. However, all dairy diets need some supplementation as natural, home-raised feeds are usually low in most required trace minerals. Not supplementing will result in a moderate deficiency.

Q&A with Jim Linn

Most herds the early-lactation and high-production groups will benefit most from amino acid balancing. If you needed a number, I would say 75 lb. of 3.8% milk or higher.

Nutrition Belly scratchers

Optimum efficiency of nutrient conversion into milk and milk components occurs when both the nutrient requirements of the cow and rumen microbes are met and in synchrony.

Nutrition Belly scratchers

Obtaining the most efficient use of feed nutrients is essential for profitability on dairy farms. Optimum efficiency of nutrient conversion into milk and milk components occurs when both the nutrient requirements of the cow and rumen microbes are met and in synchrony.