Latest News From Rick Lundquist

Lessons Learned from the  Best Cow Man Ever: Red Larson
Lessons Learned from the Best Cow Man Ever: Red Larson

From humble beginnings in the industry in 1942 to Florida’s largest dairy family, Red Larson, is a legend.

Magnesium: The Most Critical Mineral
Magnesium: The Most Critical Mineral

Calcium is the most important mineral in milk, but magnesium may be the most critical mineral in the cow’s diet.

With the challenges of the 2019 growing and harvest season in the Midwest and Northeast, a lot of forage was put up under less than ideal conditions.
2019 Silage: You Never Know What You’re Gonna Get

With the challenges of the 2019 growing and harvest season in the Midwest and Northeast, a lot of forage was put up under less than ideal conditions.

Weather delayed corn planting which will affect corn silage quality.
Be Prepared: 2019 Corn Silage Will Be Different From Years Past

Late planting dates will impact quality and digestibility.

Every Gut is Different

What cows eat can affect the microbial population inside the rumen.

Project Clean Cow

Ruminants produce about 25% of methane in the U.S. Production efficiency is reducing that number.

Project Clean Cow

Ruminants produce about 25% of methane in the U.S. Production efficiency is reducing that number.

Boost Your Milk Check; Feed for Butterfat

Butterfat appears to be the bright spot in an otherwise dim outlook for milk prices

Re-Think Silage Shrink

When dairy producers think of silage shrink, they typically mean the difference between the tons of fresh forage harvested and the tons of ensiled forage actually fed.

Nutrition: Think Spring—and Heat Stress

Its winter, but not too early to start thinking about gearing up for heat abatement strategies.

Keep Feeders Motivated

Your feeders have much more responsibility than employees at an ice cream shop. They handle potentially millions of dollars worth of feed, operate equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and influence the health and production of millions of dollars worth of cattle.

Nutrition: Improve Accuracy of TMR Mixes

Regular monitoring and maintenance critical to TMR mixer performance.

Nutrition: Shredlage - What We Learned

The suggested roll settings on shredlage units are only starting points.

Nutrition: Cheerios and heat stress

Why do cows eat less when they’re hot? Try eating a bowl of Cheerios when you’re breathing 120 times/minute.