Latest News From Mike Hutjens

Nutrition: Balance Ration With Environmental Impact In Mind

At training programs in Denmark and Germany this past summer, dairy farmer decisions were dictated by environmental approaches that will be happening soon in the U.S.

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Nutrition: The 2014 Forage Cliff

What will the forage challenges be in your area this year?

Nutrition: Lower corn prices, cheaper diets

Lower corn prices can translate to 50¢ to 75¢/cow/day feed savings.

Robots para el suministro del alimento

La popularidad de los proveedores electrónicos de alimento líquido para las becerras está incrementándose debido a que dicha tecnología combina programas de crecimiento acelerado con mejoras en la inmunidad de las becerras.

Nutrition: Three Feeding “Musts” for 2013

Knowing your forage inventory and feed costs critical this year.

Feed Alternatives for 2012

Do not short change nutrient to your cows; never give up milk.

Nutrition: How Much Can You Pay?

Feed the best forages you can find to your best cows.

High-forage rations Raciones con mucho forraje

En Espanol--tips on feeding high forage rations.

Nutrition High-forage rations

One strategy used by Midwest dairy managers in 2009 when feed prices were high and milk prices were at record lows was feeding more forages.

Eyes Wide Open Ojos bien abiertos

Dairy ration changes could be needed with 2009 corn crop. En Espanol.

Eyes wide open As spring comes, be alert for mycotoxins

Bonus content: Spanish Translation Manage corn mold More on mold Dairyland Labs   Rock River Lab Warm spring weather could bring its own set of nasty surprises as mold on stored grain starts growing again.

Nutrition Wet, but lightweight

The challenge is to utilize wet corn correctly in your dairy rations